Saturday, December 31, 2005

Software Notes

Darcs - Yet another CVS replacement. With interesting links to other CVS replacements.

libcurl is pretty interesting. I have been using the standalone curl application for some time now, and it has been really useful. I have not coded using libcurl, but I think one can pretty much whip up a simple FTP client, or a web configuration utility tool in a jiffy (you should know what I mean).

Old versions of wget actually have a 2GB filesize limit! Discovered this when trying to download the Fedora Core 4 DVD ISO. It is really time to update! There is also a Windows version.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Updated Specs List

26 December 2005

ASUS Pundit-R Book PC

  • Intel Pentium 4 3GHz w/HyperTreading
  • 512MB DDR400 RAM
  • Samsung 40x12x40 CD-RW Drive
  • WD 60GB ATA100 7200RPM
